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Velaj, Alisa: The game (Loja in English)

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Loja (Albanian)

Rrinim fshehur diku
në kodrën e ullinjve,
kur luanim symbyllazi
gjer në mbrëmje vonë
dhe vogëlushen e ëmbël Golda,
njëzëri, ne fëmijët, e thërrisnim Drita! 

Mbi kokat tona korbat kryqethyer,
përpiqeshin më kot të na diktonin lojën…

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotationA. V.

The game (English)

We would stay somewhere
On the hill of olive trees,
Playing hide-and-seek
Until late at night,
Calling the little sweet Golda
“Light” in our childish voice…

Ravens wearing crooked crosses flew over our heads,
Fighting vainly to dictate their game to us…

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotationA. V.
