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Velaj, Alisa: Death has white feet (Putrat e vdekjes in English)

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Putrat e vdekjes (Albanian)

Vdekja i ka putrat e bardha 
me push të butë lepurushësh 
dhe bardhësi verbuese 
si të dhëmbëve të tigrit 

Me push lepurushësh
fërkohemi butë-butë 
nëpër gjithë lëndinat 
ku çelin lulet narcise, 
por liqeni mes lëndinës 
s'na e shfaq kurrë 
pasqyrimin e tigrit...

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotationA. V.

Death has white feet (English)

Death has white feet
with soft rabbit hair
and a bright whitening
just as the tiger’s teeth.

With rabbit hair
we wipe ourselves softly
through many gardens
where the flowers of vanity are blossoming,
but in the lake on the middle of garden
the mirror image of the tiger
never emerges completely…

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotationA. V.
