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Velaj, Alisa: To be filled with you (Të mbushesh me ty in English)

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Të mbushesh me ty (Albanian)

Te mbushesh me ty
është si te zbrazesh
prej lulëzime kaktusesh
që prarojnë shkretëtirën
veç për një natë…

I kam parë ato lule të vogla, të ndrojtura
mëngjeseve në Arizona i kam pare,
tek çelnin kopshtijeve
të verdha, te kuqërremta.
me petalet që varnin kokat
herët në mëngjes
e më janë dukur kaq te ngjashme me ty.

Veteveten krahasoj me çdo kopsht shkretëtire
pa mundur te rroj dot as pa zbrazjen tënde.

Zbrazjen tëndë të etshme
të pangopur me ujëra
si kjo rërë e verdhë
e të tronditur me kthime të prajshme
kthime të brishta…

Ajme kaktuset e mia të trishta!

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotationA. V.

To be filled with you (English)

To be filled with you
is the same as becoming empty
from the blossoms of cactus
which are proudly in the desert
only for one night…

I have seen those small flowers, shy flowers
I did see them in Arizona during the mornings,
while blossoming in the gardens,
with yellow and reddish color.
With the petals lowering their heads
early in every
morning and were very similar with you.

I compare myself with every garden in the desert
unable to live neither without your emptiness.

Your thirsty emptiness
Never filled with water just
as this yellow sand
and shaken with unexpected turns
soft turns…

Together with my sad cactuses!

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotationA. V.
