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Campbell, Joseph: Öregasszony (The old woman in Hungarian)

Portre of Campbell, Joseph

The old woman (English)

As a white candle

    In a holy place,

So is the beauty

    Of an aged face.


As the spent radiance

    Of the winter sun,

So is a woman

    With her travail done.


Her brood gone from her,

    And her thoughts as still

As the waters

    Under a ruined mill.

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotation

Öregasszony (Hungarian)

Mint fehér gyertya

az oltár felett,

oly szép az arc,

ha megöregedett.


Mint téli nap húny

szépen, komolyan,

évei multán

az asszony is olyan.


Magzata messze,

s bent, a gondolat,

– mint lassú víz

bedőlt malom alatt.

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotation
