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Cullen, Countee: Fekete Magdolnák (Black Magdalens in Hungarian)

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Black Magdalens (English)

These have no Christ to spit and stoop
To write upon the sand,
Inviting him that has not sinned
To raise the first rude hand.

And if He came they could not buy
Rich ointment for His feet;
The body's sale scarce yields enough
To let the body eat.

The chaste clean ladies pass them by
And draw their skirts aside,
But Magdalens have a ready laugh;
They wrap their wounds in pride.

They fare full ill since Christ forsook
The cross to mount a throne,
And Virtue still is stooping down
To cast the first hard stone.

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Source of the quotation

Fekete Magdolnák (Hungarian)

Ezeknek nincsen Krisztusuk,
ki így szóljon: „Kezet
csak az emeljen e leányra,
ki még nem vétkezett.”

S ha jönne, nem vennének ők
olajat őneki,
alig elég a testük ára
a testük fűteni.

A kényes hölgyek közelükben
gyorsítják lépteik,
de a Magdolnák felnevetnek;
s a sebük elfedik.

Ó jaj nekik, mióta Jézus
világ királya lett
s az Erény is követ keres, mit
a Magdolnákra vet.

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Source of the quotation
