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Lear, Edward: A pisszegő öreg pasi (There was an old Man who said, `Hush!' in Hungarian)

Portre of Lear, Edward
Portre of Tellér Gyula

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There was an old Man who said, `Hush!' (English)

„There was an old Man who said, `Hush!

I perceive a young bird in this bush!'

When they said, `Is it small?'

He replied, `Not at all!

It is four times as big as the bush!'” 

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Source of the quotation

A pisszegő öreg pasi (Hungarian)

„Csiba! Csitt!" – egy öreg pasi szól. –

„E bokorba' madárka dalol."

„Kicsi?" – kérdik eképp.

Mire ő: „Ugyan! Épp

négyakkora, mint a bokor."

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Source of the quotation
