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Silverstein, Shel: Hűdevacak úr panaszdala (Mr. Grumpledump's Song in Hungarian)

Portre of Silverstein, Shel
Portre of Israel Efraim

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Mr. Grumpledump's Song (English)

Everything's wrong,
Days are too long,
Sunshine's too hot,
Wind is too strong.
Clouds are too fluffy,
Grass is too green,
Ground is too dusty,
Sheets are too clean.
Stars are too twinkly,
Moon is too high,
Water's too drippy,
Sand is too dry.
Rocks are too heavy,
Feathers too light,
Kids are too noisy,
Shoes are too tight.
Folks are too happy,
Singin' their songs.
Why can't they see it?
Everything's wrong!

Uploaded byEfraim Israel
Source of the quotation

Hűdevacak úr panaszdala (Hungarian)

Rossz, csupa rossz!
A föld csupa kosz,
Éget a nap,
A szél de pofoz!
Rongyos a felhő,
Zöldül a fű,
Annyi az erdő,
Mint a nyű.
Villog a csillag,
Messzi a hold,
Híg a viz és fojt,
S túl sokat olt.
Súlyos a kő és
Könnyed a toll,
Ordit a gyermek, a
Gép zakatol.
Túl boldog a nép, és
Nem panaszos.
Hát senki se látja,
Hogy minden rossz?

Uploaded byEfraim Israel
Source of the quotationsaját fordítás
