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Williams, William Carlos: Portrait of a Lady

Portre of Williams, William Carlos

Portrait of a Lady (English)

Your thighs are appletrees
whose blossoms touch the sky.
Which sky? The sky
where Watteau hung a lady's
slipper. Your knees
are a southern breeze - or
a gust of snow. Agh! what
sort of man was Fragonard?
- As if that answered
anything. - Ah, yes. Below
the knees, since the tune
drops that way, it is
one of those white summer days,
the tall grass of your ankles
flickers upon the shore -
Which shore? -
the sand clings to my lips -
Which shore?
Agh, petals maybe. How
should I know?
Which shore? Which shore?
- the petals from some hidden
appletree - Which shore?
I said petals from an appletree.

First published in the Dial, August 1920

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotation

Egy hölgy képmása (Hungarian)

Combjaid almafák,
virágjuk az égbe ér.
Melyik égbe? Amelyikre
egy hölgy papucsait aggatta
Watteau. Térded délszaki
fuvallat - vagy
inkább hóvihar. Ajj! Milyen
ember volt Fragonard?
- mintha számítana is az
valamit. Szóval –
a térded alatt,
mert arra lejt a dallam,
nyári reggel villog,
sudár fűszál-bokád
megrebben a parton -
Milyen parton?
Homok tapad a számra -
Milyen parton?
Vagy inkább szirmok. Honnan
Milyen parton? Milyen parton?
- a szirmok néhány rejtett
almafáról - Milyen parton?
Azt mondtam, szirmok az almafáról.

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotationK. Gy.
