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Salinas, Pedro: Hurried Traveler (Pasajero apresuardo in English)

Portre of Salinas, Pedro

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Pasajero apresuardo (Spanish)

Ciudad, ¿te he visto o no?
la noche era una prisa
por salir de la noche.
Tú al paso me ofreciste
gracias vagas, en vano.
Aquella catedral
que disparaba piedras
a la niebla...No sé
qué agua turbia, raptora
de luces a los puentes.
Inaccesibles entre
su guardia de cristales
perla, flor o pintura,
corazón de las tiendas.
Y hubo una pantorrilla
tersa en la media fina,
cuando el asfalto ofrece
sucio azogue a las nubes.

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotation

Hurried Traveler (English)

City, did I see you or not?
That night was a rush
to leave the night.
In vain you offered me
a blur of elegance
as I passed through.
That cathedral
firing stones
into the fog... some
murky water pillaging
lights from the bridges.
Inaccessible between
guardians of glass
was the heart of each store -
pearl, flower, or painting.
And one smooth calf appeared
in sheer hose
when the asphalt offered
its muddy quicksilver to the clouds.

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotation
