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Filippo, Rustico di: Sonnet XIII (Sonetti XIII in English)

Portre of Filippo, Rustico di

Sonetti XIII (Italian)

Una bestiuola ho vista molto fera,

armata forte d'una nuova guerra,

a cui risiede sì la cervelliera

che de·legnaggio par di Salinguerra.


Se 'nsino 'l mento avesse la gorgiera,

conquisterebbe il mar, non che la terra;

e chi paventa e dotta sua visera

al mio parer nonn·è folle ned erra.


Laida la cera e periglioso ha 'l piglio,

e burfa spesso a guisa di leone:

torrebbe l' tinto a cui desse di piglio;


e gli occhi ardenti ha via più che leone:

de' suoi nemici asai mi maraviglio

sed e' non muoion sol di pensagione.

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Source of the quotation

Sonnet XIII (English)

A ferocius little animal I saw,

armored strongly for a novel war:

his helmet was set in such a way

that he ssemed in lineage a Salinguerra.


If his gorget came to his chin,

he would conquer the sea and land as well;

and whoever is scared by his visor,

in my opinion, is neither crazy nor mistaken.


Ugly his mien and dangerous his bearing,

and he snorts often like a lion;

he would make pale any man he struck.


And his fiery eyes dart farther than the lion’s;

I shouldn’t wonder if his enemies

died by merely thinking of him.

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Source of the quotation
