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Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne: A Sigh (Suk in English)

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Suk (Norwegian)

Aftensolens Hygge

ikke kan mit Vindu naa,

Morgensolen ligesaa; --

her er altid Skygge.


Sol paa begge Sider,

vil Du ej i Kamret ind?

Her faldt Straaler paa et Sind,

som i Mørke strider.


Morgensolens Glæde,

o, Du er min Barndomstid;

mens Du leger ren og hvid,

jeg kan næsten græde.


Aftensolens Hvile,

ak, Du er den Vises Ro; --

længer frem, saa vil Du jo

mod mit Vindu smile?


Morgensolens Sange,

o, Du er den Fantasi,

Verden solglad løftes i, --

den, jeg ej kan fange!


Aftensolens Mildhed,

Du er mer end Visdoms Ro,

thi Du er den Kristnes Tro:

naa mig med din Stilhed!

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotation

A Sigh (English)

Evening sunshine never

Solace to my window bears,

Morning sunshine elsewhere fares;--

Here are shadows ever.


Sunshine freely falling,

Wilt thou not my chamber find?

Here some rays would reach a mind,

'Mid the dark appalling.


Morning sunshine's gladness,

Oh, thou art my childhood bright;

While thou playest pure and white,

I would weep in sadness.


Evening sunshine's whiling,

Oh, thou art the wise man's rest;--

Farther on! Then from the west

Greet my window smiling!


Morning sunshine's singing,

Oh, thou art the fantasy

That the sun-glad world lift free,

Past my powers' winging.


Evening sunshine's quiet,

Thou art more than wisdom's rest,

Christian faith glows in thee blest:

Calm my soul's wild riot!

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotation
