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Rúfus, Milan: Báseň a dieťa

Portre of Rúfus, Milan

Báseň a dieťa (Slovak)

Krajina detstva.
Celá sa topí v jase.
A svieti ľudstvu nad unavenou kosťou.

Krajina detstva – deťmi žitá báseň.
Skutočnosť je tu zázrakom
a zázrak skutočnosťou.

Ak neuhádneš, čo tu čomu slúži,
pokloň sa jej
a opýtaj sa Múzy.

Múza ti povie,
trochu dojatá:

– Báseň a dieťa?
To sú dvojčatá. –

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotation

A poem and a child (English)

The world of childhood.
Everything melts in its brightness.
And shines humanity over tired bones.

The world of childhood – a poem lived by children.
Reality in this world is a miracle
and miracle here a reality.

If you can’t figure out what here is being served,
bow down to her
and ask the Muse.

The Muse will tell you,
with a little thrill:

A poem and a child,
are twins hand in hand.

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotation
